05 May 2008

And you all thought I was in Ireland!

Tonight, a friend invited me over to her place for a Cinco de Mayo celebration and I decided to take a break for a couple hours and have some Mexican food...

I had a really good time and watched people the whole time I was there - I was fascinated!

Here in a tiny apartment in Limerick, Ireland, we had:

5 Americans (Georgia, California, New Jersey, NC and somewhere else in New England that I can't remember - MAN!)

1 Greek

1 Cubana

1 Mexicano

around 10 Frenchmen & women (they just kept coming and coming... I lost count after a while)

and TWO... yes... TWO Irish men! lol! One guy is from Cork and one is from Donegal.

I really enjoyed watching all these people from different backgrounds - and languages - communicate with one another and really enjoy one another's company... These are good people :)

anyway! thought I would share...

The rest of my life is ESSAYS. Don't expect much in the next few weeks!!!

love you all ~

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