25 September 2007

For girls' eyes only...

Hi girls! (Guys, I personally don't mind if you look at this post, but it's all more photos of the above 'genre'... doubtful you'll find it as amusing as I do...)

If you are offended by the material included in this post, I do apologize in advance, but if you know me, then you know that I took these photos in harmless jest, and that I will not be including any names. They were taken purely for self-entertainment and for sharing the true beauty of Ireland with the single girls reading this blog... :)

Note that 2 photos are of the same guy, actually, it's the same pic, but I really liked the close up, photographically, and Ky & I could not get over the fact that he unknowingly stood like he was posing for the pic, so the pose must be included in this photo montage!

Also note that, though I do actually know the name of ONE of the guys shown here (very bottom), I will not reveal it, but for those of you who know the story...

20 September 2007

photos FINALLY!

Hello everyone!

Here are photos, as promised. I took 400+ and Ky took about the same. I have limited these to the ones from my camera and these are not the only good ones, but they are connected to most of my stories. Sligo pics are only from Ky's camera, and I will try and post them soon. If you are more interested in specific places or scenes, please let me know and I can email you a few more. :)

A grave on Inis Mor (Aran Islands) written in Irish
Photo of a grave from within a tiny ancient church

St Vincent de Paul!

Dana, our Dublin tour guide/instructor on how to not look like a tourist

View from Castle Kilkenny "backyard"

Spanish Arch, Galway

Typical Irish landscape

The Burren

One of the MANY castles...

Ky pondering the immensity of Cliffs of Moher

Inch Beach sign (where Coldplay's video "yellow" was filmed) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI8I6qcxWyU

me being artistic

A beehive-style home for hermit monks/priests. One of the waterproof ones that are built using stone only - no mortar.

view from inside a beehive "church" - I think it may have been able to fit 5 ppl

me being artistic #2

back of St Fin Barre's Cathedral - Killarney

Front of St Fin Barre's Cathedral

I don't know what this is, but it's BEAUTIFUL and it's inside St Fin Barre's Cathedral

This is mosaic tiling of a floor section by the altar in St Fin Barre's

a view in Killarney National Park by Ross Castle

Rothe House - Kilkenny

Rothe House

View of Kilkenny Castle from bridge

Our rental car :) [nissan micra's are VERY good on fuel]

"I see NOTHING!" says Ky standing on a post looking for Castlefreke at the "viewing point"

Giant Tower climbed by us

this is the view from the door going inside

Butler House - part of Kilkenny Castle

flowers at Butler Gardens

statue/landmark for tourists who get easily lost aka "steph & ky" - Dublin

As far inside St Patrick's Cathedral (or Christchurch? oops) as we could get without paying

Typical celtic cross - all over Ireland - this one is in Dublin at one of the 2 big churches

"The Clarence Hotel" owned by U2 - where Bono stays when he visits Dublin

Cliffs of Moher

View over a cliff at the Fort in Inis Mor where half the fort is missing because the island fell into the ocean and created this - and ky & I thought lying down and looking over the edge was a good idea! haha

Some random castle tower in the MIDDLE of a town - literally right next door to this house.

I wish I could remember the name of this - but I'm tired, it's 2am and all I can tell you is that it's in the Burren and it's older than Stonehenge

Cliffs of Moher, part 2

At the bottom of one side of the cliffs... I love this rock!

This could be on a postcard, eh? :)

Enjoying the view after climbing over some ancient caves in the Burren... the flowers really do grow out of the rock!

The beach near Castlefreke after our determined excursion to SEE the castle itself

Wandering Killarney Nat'l Park - apparently, it's a little marshy

An island by Ross castle (Killarney) that used to the home to an abbey and some monks - I'm not sure I'd trust myself to put my full weight on that thing!

View of Clonakilty while getting "lost" on the way to Castlefreke

Random beach we found while getting lost trying to find Castlefreke - look at the brave souls swimming in water that never gets about 50F (~8C)

CASTLEFREKE!!!!! No trespassing here! (yay for zoom)

Typical irish scene

Kilkenny Castle from the "front yard"

View from the car on the way to Castlefreke with Ky driving... :)

Back of Christchurch - Dublin - it actually crosses the street

Aren't we brave up here in the wind on top of a giant tower? :)

Rainbow as seen just before being hit on by (in the words of Ky) pervy old man - oh, and the Ha'penny bridge

Hope you liked! Up next, stalker pics :)