19 February 2010

Timing is everything

So it's been over a month since I last posted and I have wanted to post at LEAST 5 times in the interim... as you can tell, that hasn't happened.

In the past month, I have*:
1. dyed my hair back to black (temporarily - it will more than likely be blondish by summer)
2. been to a secret concert**
3. "enjoyed" the enlightening experience of reading Judith Butler (aka the reason for weekends filled with suicidal thoughts)
4. had a migraine-turned muscle spasm-turned strained muscle-turned tension headache that lasted over a week
5. learned how to WIKI
6. visited (& decided to volunteer at) an urban sustainable farm, located within the Columbia city-limits
7. made GREAT strides in my dissertation topic (WOOT!)
8. seen an Ansel Adams exhibit
9. received my official letter of offer from the University of Haute-Alsace inviting me to teach English this coming school year in Mulhouse, France, and
10. seen New Moon, Leap Year & When in Rome in theatres (I see a theme... hmm...)

but you know what I actually made it onto Failte to tell blogland? Things I never thought I would say:

It feels SO GOOD to have a clean house***!

Today, I bought my very first ever real vacuum cleaner - not one of those dirt devil hand vacs & not one that someone lent me or that came with the house (in Ireland). It was on sale and my carpets were gross & I have classmates coming over tomorrow, so I figured "now is as good a time as any". So I got home with my vacuum and immediately set to work. First, I piled all my crap from my floor onto my bed, then I vacuumed my bedroom. It made me so happy, and the vacuum is for hard surfaces, too, so I semi-vacuumed my bathroom, because I could! Then I put all the stuff on my bed into their respective homes. Then I went into my bathroom and cleaned it (not spotless, but decent). THEN, I went into the kitchen and put away my dishes, washed the dirty ones by hand & scrubbed down the counters. THEN, I cleaned the stove top, WHAT? I even pulled out the burners & washed those under-burner thingys****. Then I vacuumed the living-dining room.

I set up the DVD player to make sure it would work, seeing as that's why classmates are coming. We have to watch a "potentially" uncomfortable film on gender theory for discussion on Monday, yay. And after all that, I got to dusting my bedroom furniture.

Most of you who know me probably think I've been possessed by some cleaning fairy or something, and I totally understand! I wasn't cleaning to avoid homework (like I usually do) and I wasn't cleaning to make a good impression - although trying to avoid being judged by my classmates was an ignition for the entire experience, it did not motivate the entirety of my work. More like 20%. And I was SMILING as I cleaned, WHAT??? :)

So yeah, of all the adventures I've had since my last post, THIS is what you get!

Love you all ~

*If you would like to hear more about any of the listed items, please let me know & I will actually write something in detail. I may get around to them eventually, but it's doubtful that I'll get around to it unless someone is actually interested.

**the link to the secret concert is the story told my by friend & classmate, Lydia. She is a HUGE fan (he's kinda like her Jason Mraz) and she told it so well, I would not have been able to do my experience any greater justice. I will state a few minor differences between our stories: I found out through twitter, I arrived just before they let us in, as the people were chanting "LET US IN" and tweeting JM saying "we're outside, please let us in!" (or variations of that plea) & news cameras shining in my face, I actually liked the 'stage condom', & WHOAH can that man make a tat sleeve sexy!

***Lydia, no inspections when you get here, haha! I have already noticed several things that need addressed, but I'm tired. I truly believe that the reason why I avoid cleaning so much is because I am a perfectionist & once I get started cleaning one thing, I notice every other little thing & they drive me crazy!!! How's that for an excuse? :)

****I have cleaned them before... fyi...


  1. Yay! A Steph post!!

    I strangely have liked the Judith Butler I've read. But I also haven't read tonnes. Just Gender Troubles and a chapter of Body Matters. What did you have to read?

    Also, I do want to know why you dyed the hair, though, so give more detail there!

  2. thanks, Ky, for the encouragement! I'll address Judy here: I have read Gender Trouble & Bodies that Matter so far & am reading Undoing Gender now. yay. I'll admit that in Bodies that Matter, I was able to understand - sometimes even agree - with her argument. But mostly I just find her to be the typical postmodernist, all "we're in this never-ending spiral of chaos & there's no solution to anything, so let me present more problems rather than offering an actual solution", which irritates the HECK out of me! AND, she's writing on gender theory, which has never been something I am even remotely interested in, but that's the name of my required course, so... woot. I'm a whiner, she's like my Lacan :)

  3. I have two theories about arguing with the female gender. Neither of them work.
