08 January 2010

Just Like Mary

So a couple weeks ago I found a recipe in Jazon Mraz' blog that I thought would be worth trying - all the ingredients separately kind of grossed me out, but I was still curious to see what it was like. So... I collected the ingredients this week and tonight got around to attempting this new kitchen adventure.

My post title is dedicated to my friend, QOWP, who is so great at sharing her cooking initiatives with blogland - and her photographs are so mouthwatering. I am not claiming to offer 'mouthwatering' - I mean, I am using my Mac photobooth to take the pic - but I thought I would follow in her footsteps and share with you my final product:

Gross, right? But so very tasty! It's the first time I've actually enjoyed the flavour of dates, haha!

So there you go... this is how I spend my Friday nights, yay! I haven't tried the finished product because I have to refrigerate them for a day or so, but so far I am satisfied with the taste. If you are interested in trying something new, raw, organic, healthy, creative, and quick (minus the chilling), I would encourage you to give this one a shot. :)

Love to everyone ~


  1. that looks good to me! and don't worry, i won't post pics of my cooking projects. although lil T's birthday cake turned out! cream cheese, whipped cream, butter, pudding, oreos and gummies... not quite avocados, dates, and kiwis

  2. haha - thanks Saryn! You really should try the recipe (click on the word "recipe" and it will take you to Jason Mraz' blog post with step-by-step instructions) - I think you'd love it! And I would love to see pics of T's bday cake!!! miss you

  3. That recipe sounds really cool. I'm glad that I've inspired you to do some food-blogging! And then that got me re-reading some of my own food-blogging posts.

  4. I wish you could have seen the look on my face when I saw that picture. Man, that looks gross. I'ma just take your word for it that it's delicious.
