21 August 2009

PhD Classes, day one

well... there really is not much to say about today - nothing out of the extraordinary, which in and of itself is pretty cool! Things that are noteworthy to mark the day include:

1) having a prof who, I have decided, is the official doppleganger of Jay Mohr - jokes, awkward pauses for effect, blond, receding hairline, and midwestern accent all-inclusive! haha

2) a classmate offering to give me a lift home after the last class ended at 8pm, only to arrive at class and find out that her car had broken down. (which turned out okay, because I took a taxi home and if I had found out about her car before I left for school, I would have tried to bring my bicycle and it started thunderstorming right as class ended... so, although I was inconvenienced, I wasn't miserably drenched and all is well.) - that is so not grammatically correct. sue me.

3) seeing an overwhelming amount of apparel announcing the word "cock". GOOOOOOOO GAMECOCKS! whatever. The shirts, hats, gym shorts, etc all shortened it to COCKS or COCK*. and not "GO..." one-word advertising is all this school needs, apparently. ugh.

4) having the world's most annoying classmate in EVERY SINGLE CLASS. And by annoying, I more-than-likely mean "just like me 10 yrs younger". Except thinner and with straighter teeth. Very outspoken, VERY flirtatious (I've got nothing on her remark to the only cute guy in the class: "What can I do to get your help with theory??? I have learned that the easiest way to get a guy to do something for me is to feed him or seduce him..." WHA???**), interested in Magic Realism and Southern Lit, and very critical... did I mention outspoken? How about flirtatious?

5) being introduced to a very influential prof in the following terms: "I recommend that you keep an eye out for this young lady... she is very impressive and I see her going places...***" HOW COOL IS THAT? :)

6) meeting another prof who is a younger, thinner, American-accented version of Sayid on LOST. dreamy!

Okay. so maybe this day was worth blogging about. Some pretty cool things happened! :)

* I tried to link to photos online, but they don't exist... now I will make it my mission to take a pic of this annoying trend amongst campus fashion.

** the "T" is intentionally omitted here for emphasis on my shock and horror/jealousy at her talent/bravery

*** said by a prof I'd just met the day before in a pre-semester Q&A panel session for 1st-yr grad students (new to UofSC)... of course I asked questions! I know that after I left the 'influential' prof's office, my advocate went over and explained what I did to impress him, but I left them alone to discuss how (apparently) awesome I am. haha!


  1. Of course you're awesome!!!

    Also, I want to by some USC apparel for my gay friends. I think they would get a kick out of it.

  2. I found their online store, which includes this:

  3. Hey, NCS, I found out I deleted your blog off my Follow site. Oh me of little faith. Glad you are back blog, blog, blogging along.

    And of course, you are awesome.

  4. I had to check out the kids and infants stuff in their store, and it all says "Gamecocks". As if they acknowledge that it's ok for adults to where "Cocks" across their chests, but not small children. Too bad... I was looking forward to the shock factor. Regardless, I think our small fry may need a Gamecock onesie.

  5. ;) I'm just going to assume you don't think I'm the most annoying person in the world anymore hahahaha
