30 September 2008

so much for that idea

See? this is why I avoid updates!

So. I'm moving back to Canada. WOOT! Calgary, Alberta to be exact. So looking forward to a Canadian winter... I missed it... seriously.

Will be there Monday. (yes, this Monday)


If you want more info, facebook or email me. I don't feel like putting it all on here right now. Maybe when I've settled in SOMEWHERE. haha.

God is pretty cool, by the way. In case I haven't mentioned that before...

Love you all!

16 September 2008

update - way overdue!

Hi all,

I don't know how much of my last 2.5weeks I can fit into a post, but I will try and let you know what is going on in my world:

I have moved to a new apartment - some of you have heard this, but for anyone out there who hasn't: I live on top of the "fountain of knowledge". haha! how cool/funny/sad is that??? My apartment is on the second floor of a semi-strip-mall building. It is curved and about 3 stories high. On the bottom floor of the entire building is a variety of businesses like: domino's pizza, an indian resaturant, a vet and a tutoring centre. They all face the street. When you go behind the building and climb up a couple flights of stairs, you're on the level with rented accommodations.

My apartment is a four-bedroom owned my my boss (which I will talk about soon). Only 3 of us live there now, and I really get along with my roommates, Michelle and Mary. The kitchen and living room, and Mary & Michelle's rooms are on the walk-in floor. Then you go up this tiny winding staircase and find my bedroom, bathroom and the empty room. My room is HUGE and I have a window that, when I open it, I am able to stand up and look out from the rooftop.


On to work:

After applying to 70+ jobs, I finally got calls back on TWO. and now I work at both.

I was called in for an interview at a hotel near the university called "kilmurry lodge" and interviewed to be a receptionist. I got a call about 1.5 weeks later saying that they had hired for the two receptionist positions, but that based on my CV/Resume, they wanted to create a position for me -- CREATE. In the midst of a recession. can we say "praise the Lord"??? So now I work on rate/yield management, websites and do research for the hotel local events. This is apart time job, I work from either 8 or 9am to 1pm.

Then I got a call from the Unviersity Writing Centre and they asked me to be a tutor. I work the drop-in hours, M-R from 2-5:30 and F from 2-4. WOOT!

Other than that, I am finishing my thesis and it goes off for printing in ONE WEEK. Please excuse me while I go throw up.

Miss you all and hope all is well :)

01 September 2008

if you really want to know...

what Ireland is like... please don't think that I am just being lazy when I say "WET."

Below is a link to a breaking news report about summer weather (because fall in Ireland started today...sigh). There are phrases like:

"218% of the normal rainfall" and

"wettest August on record - in 171 years" and

"70-110 total hours of sunshine in august" [out of a possible 744hrs... okay - that's including nighttime, but you get it. To be fair, let's half that: out of a possible 372hrs of sunshine, we actually received 70-110 - what??? that's 230-300hrs of rain or clouds. *sigh*

... and my personal favourite: "all weather stations recording their sunniest day on June 5-7" -- TWO DAYS OF SUNSHINE?????

just so you know I'm not exaggerating: here's the link.

and yet I still like the place. hmm...

love you all!