04 March 2011


Change of plans, change of heart, change of address...

Hello to the 8 people who read my blog!

I have been posting on here for a few years - since I moved to Ireland and had lots of people to keep informed... and it has been a great way to log my journeys, but...

I think it is time to make a change.

I thought about it when I moved suddenly from Limerick to Calgary back in 2008 and didn't blog for several months. I realised then that I am person who writes when I feel inspired and that my time in Calgary felt more like waiting (for my PhD to begin) than actually living. I didn't like that mindset, but chose to postpone my removal from blogland until I was in a better state of mind.

Once I was in SC and felt like I was moving directionally rather than plateauing, Failte was a good venue for regular updates.

Then France happened, which provided great fodder for here...

and then France didn't happen. & life got... unpredictable... chaotic... kind of spiraling downward... and I was trying to refrain from self-pity and self-criticism about my decision to leave France. I know it was the right decision, but I was definitely not inspired to write about my life's happenings.

And recently I realised that I don't enjoy only writing when I am "inspired". I want to live life, to enjoy it, to find wonder in the every day!

This change of focus, change of heart, change of "intent", I guess, well... it's allowed me to come to the conclusion that maybe I should officially put FAILTE on hiatus for now.

Maybe I don't need/want to think in terms of "tales" and "journeys", of "lessons" and "experiences" that can be journaled into this format...

so I am trying something new - we will see if it works. We will see if I decide I like the story-telling/novel-writing format better. But for those of you who have been wondering - I know a few of you have asked me personally where I have gone... my internet blogging space has found a new home...

if you are interested in finding that address, PLEASE feel free to ask! (it's a tumblr account) I will email you the new URL. I don't want to post it on here for spamming/paranoia reasons. Sorry for the inconvenience!

I heart you all :)