03 February 2009


I have been thinking of the word, introspection since I commented on MayB's blog requesting an interview. That's just sad. But I had fun during my inward search for Stephanie and I hope this sheds some light into my world:

1. If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would you wear?

pajamas. specifically, an oversized t-shirt and printed bottoms. if I were living in Canada/Ireland, the bottoms would be my pink flannel plaid pants & if I lived in the Carolinas, they would be striped shorts. sad, but true.

2. What old school Nintendo game did you rock at?

it was a tie between Metroid & Legend of Zelda. I guess I would have to say I rocked at Metroid, since I could actually beat the game. (Once!) I only made it to the next-to-top level in Zelda, but I had so much fun playing :)

3. Where did you see your life going by the time you hit this age? Are you where you thought you'd be?

It depends on when in my life I was imagining my 33-yr-old self... I guess I always assumed I would be married by now... and done school... and still in North Carolina... WRONG on all counts, wow! When I was 17, I had a Senior Book that allowed me to predict my future. I remember saying that I hoped to be married by the time I was 27 and that I wanted to be a pediatric oncologist. 33 never really entered the picture. And apparently, neither did kids. hmmm... and I am definitely not where I thought I would be! I never imagined that I would have lived in 3 countries by now, nor did I see myself ever making (some) $$ from my photos... and I had given up my dream of being a teacher between the ages of 6 & 26, so it was definitely not part of 'the plan' - overall, I'd say I am happy with the changes in direction my life took. Proverbs 16:9, baby: Man may make his plans, but GOD will direct his paths!

4. Name your favourite comfort food and the best reason to eat it.

Soup - of most kinds. I love making enough homemade vegetable-beef soup to last for a week. I usually make it when I am poor & tired of making decisions. I also love Chef-Boy-Ardee (sp?) - specifically, ravioli & spaghetti/meatballs. Those are for the days when I've been at work all day & I'm feeling nostalgic for my childhood.

5. What temperature do you keep your residence set at? Sub question: Are you purposely trying to kill the environment?

When I have control over my residence temperature, I usually like to keep it at 67F/19C during the day and 62F/16C at night. If it helps, my thinking is not necessarily, "I really hope I am doing my part to kill the environment today!" so much as, "I will do what I can to keep my bills consistent... please not another $300 gas bill in January or another $150 electric bill in July!!!" So if the bill increases, I tend to adjust my air conditioning/heating to compensate, if I can survive the resulting temp. And there are always fans & hot water bottles, when necessary.

So here's the catch: I won't stalk you with questions, but if you like this kind of stuff and want to be quizzed, drop me a comment to let me know. But just so you know, I did this for me, so if no one is interested, it won't hurt my feelings, haha!

Here's what you're supposed to do:

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions. (please make sure I have your email cause that helps when trying to actually email someone)
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions. Be sure you link back to the original post.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.