20 December 2008

A little about me

Here are a few of my favourite things*:

1) Mama Mia! I bought it the day it came out on DVD after seeing it twice (once in the theatre & once on a plane) -- I have seen it twice already this week. I love knowing that I own something that is pretty much guaranteed to make me smile - and sing!

2) Research. yep, I'm a nerd. But I love it! However, I don't mean the kind of research that requires in-depth detailed origins of words or historical evidence... I mean the kind of research that let me know the ideas of others. I am an idea person. I like looking at how other people see the world.

3) Photos. In particular, those taken by Ky** and Stuart Kasdorf. And I enjoy taking them myself, as well -- but I haven't done much of that lately.

4) Narrative. The act of storytelling makes me happy - I like being able to create scenes in which others can imagine themselves. I also like reading narrative in which I can imagine myself. I pretty much love imagining, dreaming, planning, idealising... anything that involves living in my head.

5) Saskatchewan. I love the flat. And the dry-cold. I love that many of the roads are like graph paper. I love that people from SK don't let long distances deter them from making memories -- that driving 1.5 hours each way to pick up a friend so that she can celebrate Christmas with them -- or driving 20+hrs in a weekend in a car with 5 ladies for a one-day ski trip -- is embraced. I love that SK prides itself on being 'hard to spell, easy to draw' & that I get to teach others around the world how to pronounce it properly.

*My original post title was "Raindrops on Roses" until I realised I already had a post with that title! Obviously, my creative side is in a lull.
** Although the link posted here does not expose the world to the abundant talent of Ky H, it does reflect her (and Lyn's) wonderful sense of humour and her ability to capture this humour on 'film'. :)

Just some things I was thinking about today.

Love you all!

Before I forget, although this should really be its own post:
I got my marks back! All the posts you guys had to suffer through while I was writing/researching for my thesis, I figured you earned the right to know... I ACED IT!!!! Literally! I made and A2 (equivalent to about a 3.6 GPA and a 95%) on my thesis and have been awarded a First-Class Honours degree overall!!! (That's about a 3.3GPA or a 90%) WOOT!!!! So I have decided to return to Eire for graduation next month... this was not part of my plan, but neither was a First-Class Honours. I will be there from 16-23 January & I graduate on 20 January. WHEW!

Thank you so much for your support. Seriously.


01 December 2008

Three Weeks Later

Hello again (finally)!

So! Now that my life has begun to resemble some sort of normalcy and my state of limbo is minimal, I figure it's safe to post a mini-blog:

It is official: I can legally work in Canada as of 3pm today, whew!

I spent the past week with my family in Charlotte, enjoyed probably my most favourite Thanksgiving ever, and received my work permit at the Calgary airport on my way in to Canada. Today I got a SIN (sort of like a SSN in the States or a PPN in Ireland) and Bema can put me back on the payroll, woot!

Tomorrow, I have a meeting with a tentative new roommate, so we'll see how that goes... but Ev said she won't mind if I stay here a bit longer. :) I would like to have a place of my own, though, and this place is nearby (for Calgary) and affordable (for aywhere!) -- and if I were to take this place, I would be living with 3 other Christian girls in their 20s.

While I was down in Charlotte, my grandparents - RON and Pat Brown* - and I took a day trip to Columbia, SC, where I plan to take my PhD starting next fall. We found an apartment** for me about which I am thrilled!!! I also had the priviledge of taking a tour of my grandparents' childhood haunts - they grew up about a mile from my Columbia apartment - and really enjoyed my visit. I think I'm going to like being closer to home :)

And finally: I am obviously going to have to change the theme of this blog, since I no longer live in Ireland and can no longer publish my Irish memories as I live them. I may start to relive my Irish memories that I did not put on here before... I just thought I would warn anyone who is actually interested! If I take tips from MayB, I may be able to come up with some pretty good material for a post every once in a while - I am one of those people who need a prompt, and life in Calgary is not quite as exotic as life in Eire... sorry to any Calgarians reading this!

If you have any ideas, let me know, but I may start up a x365 of my own... who knows?

Love to everyone!

* You have to be a family member to get this... but now all of internetland knows who my grandparents are :)

** Here are some highlights of the place:
  • Free 24 hr. Gym
  • Free Internet Cafe
  • Free Shuttle to Campus
  • 42' TV in all living rooms
  • Hardwood style floors in select units
  • High speed Internet and Basic Cable in all units
  • Resort Style Pool and Spa/Tanning Bed
  • Walk- in closets and Private bathrooms in every bedroom