18 June 2008

I don't want a Repeat.

Hi all,

Much has happened since my last post, including a trip to NC, which I will try and make time to blog about in the near future. However, tonight/this morning's blog is not nearly as fun-filled.

Since I returned from NC, I have been going full-speed on my first chapter. Which was due no later than 4 hrs ago. Now is when I am terribly grateful for (1) setting my own deadlines & (2) really easy-going supervisors, because:

it is now 4am my time - technically, the chapter was due on Wed, 18 June, and one of my supervisors is in California, so I "technically" have four more hours - but seeing as how I haven't breathed fresh air in 50+hrs and I've been in the same PJs since Monday (I have showered!), and I am STILL only 2000wds into my 5000wd chapter... I don't see how the next 4 hrs of exhaustion-filled composition will be useful.

So I turned in my first 2000wds to the supervisor that's in Limerick in the hopes that he'll be made aware of my good intentions to meet self-imposed deadlines, and now I am off to the land of clouds & bunnies.

CLOUDS & BUNNIES??? man! I am tired! :) What silliness! I meant unicorns and faeries...

and those last 3 lines are reasons why I should NOT be composing for brilliant lecturers' review of academic material. hah.

I will leave you with a photo I just found on my Mac:

(l-r): Maria (my future sister-in-law) and Cilena (more beautiful than ever) - not sarcastic :P

love you all!